Interviewing is the most important part of landing a job. You must interview well to land that coveted position you seek. Historical employment research validates these facts.
Since antiquity most civilizations have equated work with worth. As a result, most of us who are unemployed view it as a stigma, a disgrace we try to avoid. We often feel guilty and depressed about losing our jobs. Work provides us with a sense of purpose, a reason to get up in the morning.
The U.S. Labor Department recently announced an end to the U.S. jobs market’s all-time record of 113th straight months of jobs creation. Unemployment claims have skyrocketed overnight. So many employers are furloughing or laying off their workers in these unprecedented times. Businesses are shutting down.
Fortunately, some employers are still hiring especially within our niches of engineering, technical, scientific, information technology (IT), research and development (R&D) and manufacturing technology recruiting. However, candidate supply will soon outstrip the demand because of the heightened competitiveness. You must therefore be aware and be even better prepared for your all-important job interview.
That’s where we can help! We recently re-launched our revolutionary 12-step interviewing program to assist you during these difficult times if you find yourself out of work and searching for a job.
Our program helps you to better prepare for your interviews. This advanced preparation then increases your chances of landing your next job. The name of our program is World2Work®.
The primary focus of this program is to improve your interviewing skills. Employment research shows that the single most important part of landing a job is “selling” yourself during an interview.
Unfortunately, most job candidates do very poorly in that aspect of the interviewing process, especially those in technical fields. We have 30+ years of experience dealing in these fields. Our coaching can therefore help you to improve your interviewing techniques so you can outperform your job seeking competitors.
The first important aspect of our interviewing training is an award winning Real Benefit Exercise™ interview preparation video. We developed this documentary style video so you can learn proper interviewing techniques. Just watch the trials and tribulations of our desperate job prospect, ‘Ed Johnson’. He gets interviews but he never lands the job.
Our exercise includes learning the right and wrong ways to handle interviews in general. It also addressed specific interview questions.
The Real Benefit Exercise™ was named for top salesmen. They talk in terms of customer benefits, and translate features to meet their customers’ needs.
Our program instructs you to interface with an interviewer as if she was your customer. You must ‘sell’ your background as a solution to the needs of her business.
The introduction then guides you to the next eight parts of our unique interviewing preparation tool. And we hope you enjoy it.
Coaching Sessions and Seminars
We offer both private, individual coaching sessions as well as one-hour virtual seminars based upon our 12 steps.
If you are interested in learning more, please contact me immediately at 312-944-4000 or use my Contact form. Seating is limited for our first upcoming seminar scheduled for Saturday, May 2nd at 3 p.m. CST – first come, first served.
I guarantee you will benefit by learning my proven, successful techniques by investing just few minutes of your time!
Together, we will get through this crisis.
Thank you and stay safe.
Scott Sargis