Technical Talent Getting More Scarce: More Thorough Screening Required!

Manufacturers and technology companies are seeing increased signs of an economic recovery. For example, the Federal Reserve stated recently that industrial production rose in January for the seventh straight month! As a result, many technical positions are becoming increasingly more difficult to recruit despite the 9.7% unemployment rate. This includes scientists, engineers and IT professionals. This requires an even more thorough screening process to avoid recruiting mistakes. As a result, I recommend taking an investigative approach to interviewing. Please go to and click on 9th (below) to view my recently released 9th Commandment Of Recruiting video for more details.

Certain positions are becoming scarcer due to increased demand. As a result, I recommend becoming even more thorough in your interviewing process to separate the wheat from the chaff. You should include four investigative checks including criminal records, civil records (e.g. bankruptcies), educational verification and detailed reference checks. This is the case because past behavior is the greatest predictor of future performance. As a result, you need to dig deep to uncover hidden problems and find the best possible candidates for your needs.

2 Responses

  1. For some reason, based on my criteria of job/career search since last year until today, I have quite a doubt about this announcement. I guess it all depends on “WHO” and “What” kind of technical recruitment is in question here. Industrial engineering in Canada is still far from what other countries engage it. And when you include AGE and citizenship– it gets tougher. I am still wondering how the stats show so much shortages between the borders and yet there is a lot of engineering people unemployed. If governments just make smart use of those over 50, then such shortage isn’t really going to be alarming.

  2. I am in agreement that statistics can be misleading – especially in summary format. When viewing scatter points, there can be significant difference between the mode and the mean. Isolated pockets within a specific niche industry or geographic area can skew the interpretation.

    In regard to Jaime’s comment – “If governments just make smart use of those over 50” – how do governing bodies play into this?

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