To commemorate the passage of Memorial Day and the great sacrifices our armed forces have made to make our country great and free, I have just released my 12th and final commandment of recruiting. Please go to and click on 12th (below) to view.
I created these twelve commandments of recruiting to better assist you with your technical recruitment and placement needs. As a technical headhunter with over 23 years of staffing experience, I have filled hundreds of technical jobs worldwide for such clients as ITW, Intermatic and Wrigley Company.
These twelve share some of my technical recruiting expertise in hopes of facilitating your hiring process. Though every job, employment situation and staffing circumstance is different, these recruiting tips will universally apply to a wide range of jobs and employment opportunities.
The final of these complimentary twelve commandments is entitled, “Be realistic.” The caveat is many companies demand unrealistic employment requirements. As a result, countless positions go unfilled for long periods of time! Instead, I recommend focusing in on only the 2-3 most important job criteria.
I hope you found this tip helpful and please come back and refer to this and the other eleven commandments of recruiting at your convenience.