Apply SEO And SEM For Talent Acquisition

I recommend applying state-of-the-art SEO and SEM techniques to better harness the Internet and search engines for talent acquisition. On Monday, December 7th through Friday, December 11th, I will be covering the SES (Search Engine Strategies) Show for my two blogs. This show provides the most advanced expert information on SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SEM (Search Engine Marketing). Please go to for more details. I covered last year’s show for WGN Radio (Please go to and click on my January 10, 2009 radio appearance for more details). The keys are: a) search engines are the new yellow pages b) the SES show provides the most revolutionary strategies for ranking high on search engines c) because of my press credentials, I will have access to the best and brightest minds from this show and d) your talent acquisition efforts can be significantly enhanced by applying these SEO and SEM principles.

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