Push For Interview Success!

easy to let down on your interview preparation efforts when things are going bad. Especially, with a 9.5% unemployment rate and jobs so scarce. However, this is the time to push even harder and do even more to obtain interviews.

In my own case, I have invested a lot in redesigning my web site and ranking for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) despite the high costs and the terrible jobs outlook. I have had to repeatedly remind myself that: a) this horrible employment situation will pass and b) the means justify the ends. This has helped me to work a lot harder and be more creative during these tough employment times (e.g. I opened new employment markets such as healthcare to compensate for the lack of jobs in my traditional areas). I recommend you follow similar tough measures to achieve your interview and job success.

For example, I recommend developing a daily log of your jobs activities. Include: (1) daily and weekly employment goals (2) achievements and (3) analysis of your job efforts. Give yourself a rating every week from 1 to 5 where 1 is terrible, 3 is average and 5 is excellent. The caveat is you cannot control the output (e.g. job offers or interviews), but you can control inputs (e.g. how many employers you called on). I hope this helps you. Please share any ideas that have worked for you.
