Using SEO And SEM To Land A Job

To improve your chances of landing a job in these tough employment times, you need to be creative. To that end, I recommend both uncovering new job fields and employing unique job-hunting strategies. The SES (Search Engine Strategies) conferences can provide you both! SES is a series of seminars, conducted every several months across the globe, which provide attendees with cutting edge information in both SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SEM (Search Engine Marketing). Since search engines like Google, ASK and Yahoo are like high technology versions of the old Yellow Pages, SEO and SEM strategies are extremely important in getting your products or services noticed.

In the case of employment, SEO and SEM provide a plethora of opportunities for traditionally trained job seekers, with limited job prospects in these tough employment times, to re-purpose themselves into fields that are quickly staffing up. For example, newspaper journalists, copy writers and statisticians can all quickly adapt their skills to SEO and SEM in order to find employment in such growing areas as content creation, link-building and web analytics.

In the case of interviewing, job seekers can employ techniques learned at SES to stand out among the crowd of others seeking a job change. For example, by learning to optimally use social media sites like Twitter, job seekers can better reach staffing decision makers. This beats having your resume thrown into the dead file by human resources!

The next SES show will be held in San Jose, California from August 10th to 14th. Please go to for more details.
