Job Interview Training | 2 Helpful Job Interview Techniques

Job Interview Training | 2 Helpful Job Interview Techniques lead to Interviewing skills mastery most important part of job candidates landing jobs
Job Interview training is a must with the coronavirus pandemic dampening the current jobs market. Luckily, Strategic Search Corporation has developed two effective, job interview techniques to assist you.

Our executive search firm primarily developed these two proven job interview training methods for the engineers, scientists, research and development (R&D), information technology (IT), technical and manufacturing technology candidates we represent with our recruiting efforts. However, these job interview coaching procedures can be easily learned and applied to any profession ranging from a recent high school graduate, seeking their first job, to C-level executives (e.g. CEO, CIO or CTO) with many decades of job experience!

They are: 1) The Ten Caveats of Interviewing, which is a critical part of our time proven job interview training method The Real Benefit Exercise™ video and 2) our new World2Work® program which also includes a 12-step interview preparation system.

Job Interview Training Method #1 Ten Caveats of Interviewing

During part four of the The Real Benefit Exercise™ video we introduce you to the Ten Caveats of Interviewing. This job interview coaching focuses on correcting the myriad of mistakes job candidates make during their all-important job interviews.

We developed this video in a documentary style so you can easily learn through the trials and tribulations of our job candidate Ed Johnson. We teach him how to improve his interviewing skills by demonstrating the right way and the wrong way to approach commonly asked interviewing questions.

The first of these ten job interview techniques is, “Poor First Impressions Yield Poor Interviews.” As part of this first caveat we offer four tips:

  1. Never be late for an interview. This sends the wrong message. It says that you are not a professional. As a rule of thumb, you want to arrive ten minutes early for the interview. In order to avoid getting lost or arriving late for your first job interview, travel the route 1-2 days ahead of time.
  2. Dress for success. As a rule of thumb, dress conservatively for your first job interview. It does not matter if you are interviewing at a creative agency where everyone is dressed in jeans. After the first interview, you can ask the hiring manager how to dress for their work environment.
  3. Always be well groomed. This means recent haircut, facial hair and beard well-trimmed and keep your makeup and jewelry to a minimum. Additionally, if you have multiple piercings remove most of them during your job interviews. Finally, cover up many of your tattoos.
  4. Make a sales greeting. This means look your interview right in the eye and greet them with a firm handshake. You can practice this ahead of time with a friend to ensure success.

Furthermore, we share nine other job interview techniques (caveats) to help you ensure effective jobs interviewing. A cornerstone of this is engaging in vigourous practice interviews on video tape using these job interview techniques to ensure interviewing success. During these practice interview sessions choose a practice interviewer who you can trust, who is smart, knows your industry and will be very tough on you. This is the case because research shows that the tougher you practice interview, the easier your actual interviews will be!

Method #2 World2Work® 12-step Job Interview Training

We recently developed a revolutionary, new 12-step interview preparation program called World2Work® that will forever change the way people find a job. It is an easy-to-follow and impactful system that provides interviewing coaching, support and hope during your time of need.

We provide you all the job interview coaching necessary to land your next job. This is critical because the most important part of landing a job is selling yourself during the all-important interview. We are masters of the interviewing process and we share this expertise with you during our interview job training sessions.

World2Work® is based on a 12-part program for finding a job. Like the Marine’s 12-week boot camp and A.A.’s 12-Step program, we have divided the process into 12 easy to follow steps.

Our upcoming, virtual job interview training session on May 30, 2020 at 3 p.m. focuses on the first of these 12-steps. Namely “Getting Your Psychological House In Order.”

We have chosen this as our first step because employment research shows that many job seekers are very stressed, depressed and anxious after losing a job. Furthermore, when job candidates do not effectively deal with that trauma, it may sabotage both their interviewing efforts and ability to land and keep a job.

During the first step of the World2Work® program we will share a wide range of techniques to help you get your psychological house in order. In turn these will help you better perform during your job interviews.

Depending upon your level of funds, you can employ many types of exercises and expert advice. Whichever methods you choose, the most important thing is to learn to relax. For example, on the more expensive side, you can: 1) visit a psychologist or psychiatrist or career counselor to discuss internal emotional issues 2) get a massage or facial to help you relax or 3) learn some stress-reducing breathing exercises such as meditation or yoga.

On the inexpensive side, you can: 1) do some deep breathing exercises or 2) visit a friend or religious leader to talk over problems related to being laid off or fired.

Whichever method you choose, relaxing will improve your interviewing performance. As a result, you will amplify your chances of landing and keeping your next job.

Job Interview Training Seminars and One-On-One Sessions

We conduct one-hour virtual seminars based upon our 12-step program and also offer private, individual coaching sessions. Both will improve your interviewing prowess.

If you are interested in learning more, please contact me immediately at 312-380-9688 or use my contact form.

Seating is limited for our initial upcoming seminar scheduled for Saturday, May 16th at 3 p.m. CST – first come, first served. It will focus on our first step. 

I guarantee you will benefit by learning my proven, successful techniques by investing just a few minutes of your time!

Together, we will get through this crisis and get back to work.

Thank you and stay safe.

Scott Sargis
