Push Beyond Your Pain For Interview Success!

Today, after a very long day I pushed myself to do my food logs. Every Thursday morning I see my nutritionist for both advice and my weekly weigh in. As part of that I have to: 1) calculate all my food intake for the day and 2) average out all intakes the night before the weigh in. I didn’t feel like it because I was exhausted. However, this is the key to success: pushing yourself when you do not feel like doing something.

This also holds true for your interview process. With the unemployment figures due out on Friday, there does not seem to be any glimmer of hope for a lot of new jobs creation. Despite some rosy economic figures, jobs data tends to lag behind other economic indices. As a result, things will continue to be very difficult on the employment front for the near future. However, this does not mean that you should let up. Instead, you need to push that much harder. Just like I did not feel like doing my food logs tonight, you too need to push to do desired jobs behaviors including: networking and setting weekly goals for yourself. Remember hard work will increase the probability of your success in landing a job!
