Certain Candidates Getting Scarcer; SEO Techniques Can Be Leveraged As Low-Cost Way To Uncover Hidden Talent!

With the unemployment rate at 8.9% and prospects of it going even lower, certain talent is becoming increasingly scarce. With hiring gains last month in manufacturing (+33,000 jobs), health care (+34,000 jobs) and transportation and warehousing (+22,000 jobs) employers are scrambling to attract talent. Unfortunately, ads on job boards such as Monster and CareerBuilder are very costly and only attract quantity not quality! Fortunately, hope resides in adopting SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategies for economical recruiting.

I so strongly believe in SEO as a vehicle for recruiting that, over the last six months, I have built up one of the largest SEO groups in the Chicago area with over 500 members. This is because Search engines are the new Yellow Pages and SEO techniques can be selectively adopted by employers to: a) rank higher with search engines and b) stand out among job seekers. For example, developing a blog or contributing to social media sites on specific keywords will be noticed by Google, Yahoo and Bing and in turn discovered by job seekers searching for your type of opportunities. I invite you all as my special guests to our next meeting on Saturday, April 23rd where we will be discussing six free new SEO tools that you can easily adapt to your requirements. Please go to http://www.meetup.com/chicago-seo/ for more details.
