Strategic Search Corporation is a world respected technical, engineering, R&D (Research and Development), IT (Information Technology), scientific and manufacturing executive recruiting firm. Our consultants are among the world’s premier recruitment processionals in 6 key areas including: a) Research and Development (R&D), engineering, scientific, technical, IT (Information Technology) and manufacturing sectors. We also keep current on the most cutting edge fields like AI (Artificial Intelligence), robotics and VR (Virtual Reality).
We serve all major industries by scouring the globe to uncover the best and brightest Research and Development, engineering, scientific, IT, technical and manufacturing talent to meet your company’s very specific industry needs. We harness all the latest, cutting edge tools, including social media, to secure the most elite performers for you. For example, this recruiting firm has over a million connections on LinkedIn, which means that we can uncover the best and brightest engineers, scientists, research and development, technical, information technology and manufacturing experts to meet your job requirements.
This has resulted in our 30 year technical recruitment track record of acquiring the most innovative engineers, scientists, R&D, IT and technical professionals worldwide for our clients. For example, we use a systematic 3-step recruitment process that ensures your needs will be met! Also, if you need assistance attracting and retaining R&D, scientific, engineering, IT, technical or manufacturing talent, we can also assist you on a consulting basis. For example, we follow a very thorough 4-step training process to instruct your key personnel in ways to better attract talent.